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司法常务官办公室 and Registrar Services

North Foundation Hall, Room 160
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3450

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
If you need an appointment outside of our regular office hours, please contact us.

We are committed to ensuring you're able to 访问 我们的网站. For assistance with technical resources, contact OU's 学生技术中心.

司法常务官办公室 and Registrar Services

North Foundation Hall, Room 160
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3450

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
If you need an appointment outside of our regular office hours, please contact us.

We are committed to ensuring you're able to 访问 我们的网站. For assistance with technical resources, contact OU's 学生技术中心.



你在十大菠菜台子(十大菠菜台子)努力攻读学位,克服障碍,取得成功. We’re with you every step of the way, 并且有更多的资源和服务来帮助你走在毕业的道路上.

学位工作是一个学位审核工具,可以帮助您监控完成学位的进度. 它通过确定你所完成的课程如何适用于你的学位来重新整理你的成绩单, and course requirements you have left. Keep your path to graduation clear with 学位工作. 

We are excited to announce that 学位工作 has been upgraded! 虽然功能本质上是相同的,但您会注意到一个新的、简化的外观. This updated version is also mobile friendly. Check out the tutorial with the new look!



在本教程中, 我们将学习学位作品以及如何使用它来帮助指导你完成你的学位. 学位工作是一个在线学位审核工具,作为检查清单出现,供您审查和监控您完成学位的进度. It provides your review of past, 当前和计划的课程,以及关于已完成和未完成的毕业要求的信息. 要访问学位作品,请登录MySAIL并单击学生门户网站中的“进度到学位”. There are two things 你需要知道 about 学位工作 before we begin. The first thing is that it is programmed based on catalog year, and catalog year refers to the 项目要求, 录取标准, and academic policies in effect during an academic year. Your catalog year is determined by your admission or declaration of program. 你需要知道的第二件事是,自动显示的学位审核是你目前申报的学习项目. 学位工作 is organized by blocks. 这些模块显示了特定学位或课程所需的要求,并将帮助您了解为了满足每个模块的要求需要什么.

The top block is your information block, 它会显示你的学生证号码、你所申报的课程信息以及与你的记录相关的其他标准. If you have multiple degrees, you will notice a dropdown in your information block. If you feel that there should be additional curricula listed that you have declared, 与你的导师保持联系.

Your advisors are listed in your information block as well. 他们对应的电子邮件地址可以通过点击审计右上角的信封图标找到. A popup will appear with their email address. 

在信息块下面,您将看到学位进度百分比和您的总GPA. 需求百分比是通过总体审计中绿色复选标记的百分比来计算的. 学分百分比是根据你的学位的适用学分数与所需金额的比较来计算的. 学位块是基于你的目录年份毕业要求的总结, which is listed in the middle of your degree block. It indicates if you’ve met the required university requirements, 项目要求, 最低绩点, 和通用教育要求.


在课程要求的右侧,您可以单击属性链接. The links are for you to review what courses will fulfill each requirement. 单击“课程”链接将显示符合相应要求的所有适用课程. 

If you have already completed the requirement, a green checkmark will appear to the left of the requirement. It will display the grade you received, 相关学时, and the semester you took the course. 任何未完成的要求都会有一个红圈,它会让你知道还需要什么来满足要求. Blue half circles indicate In Progress courses. They let you know that upon successful completion of the courses, the requirement will then be satisfied with a green checkmark.

美国多样性和写作强化和顶点模块是剩下的通识教育要求. 它们都列在这里.

All programs will have Major blocks as shown. Depending on your curriculum you may also have Concentration Blocks, 小块, or other required blocks listed as well. 

Towards the bottom of the audit, there are three additional blocks. “通识选修课”栏显示了不用于满足通识教育或项目要求的课程. 

The “Insufficient” block displays courses you have withdrawn from, 失败的, or courses that were taken more than once and are not repeatable for credit. 

“正在进行中”显示当前已注册但尚未评分的课程. These courses are listed sequentially by semester.

Next, we’re going to explain how to use the “What-If” feature. If you scroll to the top of your audit you’ll notice a “What-If” button.

如果你目前的课程没有更新,或者你想探索开放大学的其他课程, you can use the “如果”功能 located on the left hand side of the audit. 通过选择

“如果”功能, 您将有下拉框选项,包括选择您的目录年份和所需的程序. 

一旦你选择了这些项目,点击框底部的“过程”按钮. A new degree audit with your selected changes will appear.

GPA计算器选项卡提供了一种方便的方式来跟踪和计划不同的GPA选项. 有两种不同的计算功能,这取决于您正在寻找的建议类型. The GPA calculator is an estimating tool only. This is not your official GPA, nor does it guarantee the estimate will be correct. 如果计算器结果有疑问,请与指导老师核实准确性.


在审计的右上角,单击3个点以显示这些附加功能. Select GPA Calculator and then fill in your Desired GPA and click Calculate. 细节会出现.

“建议计算器”可以让你看到达到某个平均成绩所需的课程数量. Fill in your desired GPA and click Calculate. 会出现不同的选项.

For more information or questions on 学位工作 or 项目要求, please feel free to contact your 学术顾问, or review the frequently asked questions located within 学位工作.


Your path to graduation just got a little easier with 学位工作. 学习一切 你需要知道, 包括常见问题和如何利用学生计划.

学位工作是一个规划工具,你和你的导师将一起使用它来让你走在正确的道路上. 学位工作 and academic advising will help you pave a path to graduation.

You can also register from an adviser-approved 学位工作 Plan through MySAIL. 参考我们的 Registering from a 学位工作 Plan instructions, and for additional information contact your adviser.

If you have questions regarding 学位工作, please contact your 学术顾问.


  • 登录 MySAIL
  • 点击Progress to Degree

学位工作 适用于2011-2012学年的所有攻读学位的本科生,以及2015-2017学年的所有研究生.


If you have questions regarding 学位工作 and its functionality, please contact 记录.

学位工作 is 适用于2011-2012年开始的所有攻读学位的本科生,以及2015-2017年开始的所有研究生.

If you have questions regarding 学位工作 and its functionality, please contact 记录.

例外培训文件. This document walks through the most common types of Exceptions and their uses. 

International Second Degree Student Exception Request
. If you have a second degree international student, 请提交此表格以免除其在第一个学位期间完成的通识教育要求.